03 March 2009

Chai Tea, Gas Stations, and Friends

The people, places and things in my title encompass a few of the most important components of my life as of late-and no, there is no hierarchy of importance attached to the order. 

But first, let me first explain why February was a blog-less month: graduate school + internship + assistantship + a bad cold + Skype dates with people around the country and the world + spring break + The Wire + A Thousand Splendid Suns + roommate birthday = a schedule too full to blog. 

That said, I will return to the theme of the day-the components of my present life: 

Chai Tea
For those not in the loop, I have successfully cut out all caffeine from my diet for a month now. My new beverage of choice is chai tea and I am constantly exploring new concoctions at home and in cafes. My latest order from Espresso Royale: English decaf breakfast tea with soy milk and a shot of vanilla-extra hot.

Gas Stations
I am commuting to and from Detroit more than ever. In addition to Thursdays and Fridays in field, I spend Saturdays in Southwest Detroit, learning about urban gardening. The class is great, but I find myself at the pump more frequently. Lucky for me gas prices are low and my car gets good mileage!

Everyone is back from spring break today, and it was great to see all the familiar faces once again. I didn't realize how lucky I was to have several close friends in the School of Social Work until we weren't around each other 24-7, like usual. I've also come to more deeply appreciate my long-distance friendships. Even though I don't see some people on a regular basis, it is refreshing to know we are still as close as the day we split for different parts of the globe.

Well, that's it for now. I'll be back in Wisconsin over Easter weekend and can't wait! Keep me posted on what you are up to lately, especially if it's been awhile since we've talked.



Mom said...

Hello My Dear, Busy, Busy, Busy! Happy to see you blogging again! Seeing how your latest entry was posted after midnight it would seem that your body has become accustomed to the no-caffeine nightmare. Have fun catching up with friends and as always, drive carefully! See you soon (36 days / let the countdown begin). Love, Mom

Caitlyn said...

Mind over matter, mom...mind over matter.

Glad to see you are already counting down :) Have a great week.
