06 December 2008

Survival Tips

I am almost finished with my first term of graduate school. Thursday was my last day of class-however, almost represents the four papers, one grant, work, and field hours I have left to complete before I can officially say I'm on break. I thought I would list what I have done lately to get me through the stress:

#1-Drink coffee

#2-Find a good space conducive to studying (Hint: not my apartment or any other place with TV or an internet connection...)

#3-Participate in the School of Social Work Pub Crawl to have fun and forget about the papers, projects, and hours upon hours of work looming in the near future

#4-Drink more coffee

#5-Actually start the papers...and by start, I mean not just the title pages

#6-Daydream about my trip to Spain (less than 20 days Kaela!)

#7-Watch a few episodes of "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" for study breaks

#8-Do all my laundry, wash the dishes, clean the bathroom, etc. just to procrastinate until I actually have to start writing

#9-Explore new coffee shops where I can drink more coffee

#10-And of course, blog

Well, there you have it. I have found every possible way imaginable to prolong this activity called completing assignments. I am very much looking forward to enjoying winter break with family and friends, but before this happens I need to write my papers! That said, back to writing about program evaluation... 


Anonymous said...

Haha, that sounds like a pretty typical list of things to do to put off the end of semester push :) I rearranged my entire room...twice! I also cleaned the shower. My apartment is never more clean then the week before finals.

Anyways, about those finals...time to go.


Aunt Val said...

If you run out of things to clean (ANY COLLEGE STUDENT), you could come clean my house to help with the procrastination!

Love, Aunt Val