18 May 2009

Traveling, and other ways to pass time

Believe it or not, I am one week into my third and final term of graduate school! It is strange to think that this could be my last few months of higher education-for the rest of my life. A lot has happened since my last post so I will do my best to summarize.

I finished last term in mid-April, during which I was scrambling to acquire materials for gardens in Detroit, finish papers, and say my goodbyes to Alyssa, my roommate who is now in South Africa for three months! She is conducting her final field placement hours for the Social Work program in Cape Town, and you can read more about what she is up to on her blog.

I was also lucky enough to spend a long, fabulous weekend with my college roommate Tricia, in South Carolina. Highlights from the trip included laying out at her pool in perfect, 85 degree weather, taking a mini-road trip to Charleston, eating delicious, fresh sea food, and of course catching up on the last several months of our lives. I was also happy to meet her graduate school friends and have an opportunity to read a book for fun, quite a luxury after a long semester of academic readings. The trip came at a perfect time and I was able to return to Michigan energized and excited for the summer. I will be posting pictures from the trip soon.

The day after I returned from South Carolina, my girlfriends and I spent the day in Detroit, where we toured the city, went to a Tigers game, and ate good food. The remainder of my time off before the summer term was spent making up hours in the Career Center, putting time in at Creekside, and catching up with friends. All in all, it was a great break.

I am now looking forward to lots of summer plans with friends and family. I’m also busy fundraising for my year-long volunteer program in Thailand and cooking as much as time allows. Tonight I made some homemade hashbrowns with red potatoes fried in olive oil-very good.

Well I hope my next entry does not take another month to post…but no promises J